
Surround your head With Beautiful Hair

At illume Skin & Hair Clinics, we provide a holistic hair care treatment that goes to the root of the problem. Our hair experts recommend natural and safe procedures to treat hair problems. We also advise on advanced treatments for better and long-lasting results.

3-step consultation at illume Skin & Hair Clinics –

  • Medical Assessment – In the first consultation, we spend 45 minutes understanding the extent and root of your hair problem.
  • Scientific Analysis –

    1. Hair Test – Our experienced team conducts a computerized test that helps to magnify the hair and scalp up to 200 times, giving a detailed analysis of the scalp and hair.
    2. Generic Test:
      1. For Males –
        1. Know if you inherit any genetic risk of inheriting any case of hair
        2. Find the percentage of risk
        3. Understand the genetic risk of underlying factors such as diabetes mellitus, thyroid disorder and stress that affect hair thinning
        4. Based on the results of your genetic test, our doctors personalize the treatment plan for best results

      2. For Females –
        1. Know if you have an inherited genetic risk
        2. Find the percentage of risk
        3. Understand the genetic risk of underlying factors such as polycystic ovarian syndrome and thyroid disorder that affect hair thinning
        4. Know genetic disorders for nutritional deficiencies that are directly related to hair
        5. Based on the results of your genetic test, our doctors personalize the treatment plan for best results

  • Treatment Advise – Based on the diagnosis of the hair problem, we offer treatment plan. Doctors follow an integrated approach combining medicine, nutritional supplements and international treatments to bring optimum best results to patients.

We have instant to long-lasting solutions for hair treatments provided at illume Skin & Hair Clinics that are scientifically proven and internationally recognized.

Here is the list of major Hair Care procedures –

  • Hair Transplant
  • FUE hair transplant
  • PRP
  • Mesotherapy
  • PRP with stem cell therapy
  • Hair fall treatment
  • Hair loss treatment
  • Hair thinning treatment
  • Dandruff treatment
  • Alopecia Areata
  • Androgenetic alopecia treatment
  • Hair replacement services like Patch or Wig/hair weaving

Consult today, we are here to help you!!!

General Questions

– Beautiful and shiny hair always leaves a good impression, which is why proper care of hair is important. Also, good care of your hair plays an important role in keeping healthy hair and helps to avoid extensive damage that can prevent hair fall. Regular washing with celebrity advertised shampoos and conditioners is not enough.
–  Healthy hair care begins with learning how to wash the hair and take proper diet.  Follow the expert suggestions and steps for healthy hair-care habits.  The best way to prevent unhealthy hair is for taking care of your hair.
– You should see a hair loss doctor if you have regained or thinned your hairline and want to do something about it. The best time to see a hair loss doctor is when you notice any early symptoms.
– Dermatologists recommend early treatment of hair loss. Early means before losing too many hairs. This can prevent hair from thinning and stimulate hair growth at the top of the scalp.
If you feel like you’re losing an excessive amount of hair, talk to your doctor. You’ll need an evaluation.